Family Resources

Research-backed solutions for the intentional family

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5 Back-to-School Traditions

The back-to-schools sales are here! Time to stock up on notebooks, pencils, and binders. Time to start figuring out new schedules, pick-ups, and after-school activities. Summer is over, the general messaging seems to go, as soon as August hits.

But before you dash to your local office store to get all the kids’ school supplies, slow down! Most American families have a couple weeks of summer left before school starts. You still have time to make memories, prepare for the upcoming year in an intentional, mindful way, and reflect on all you did together this summer.

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Home Michael King Home Michael King

How to Road Trip With Your Family Without Losing Your Mind

In the wake of the pandemic and related shutdowns, Americans are craving travel.

This year, don’t just take a vacation. Take a road trip. Play games, listen to music, and even be bored together. Wind through the mountains of Appalachia, drive through the fields of Illinois or Kansas, sweat in the deserts of Utah and Nevada. Have an adventure with your family.

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Home Michael King Home Michael King

A 4th of July For Your Family to Remember

It’s easy to let July 4 become just a day off work. But the research all points to the value of building traditions. July 4 doesn’t have to be an awkward holiday. In fact, with a little bit of planning, it can become an anchor to your family’s summer, and a treasure trove of family memories to cherish for years to come.

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Spiritual Michael King Spiritual Michael King

Reclaiming Your Family’s Traditions

A 50-year research review from the American Psychological Association found that “family routines and rituals are powerful organizers of family life that offer stability during times of stress and transition.” The review defined “routine” as more like communication, something taking little time, and helping us convey “what needs to be done.” “Rituals, on the other hand,” writes lead author Dr. Barbara H. Fiese, “involve symbolic communication and convey ‘this is who we are’ as a group and provide continuity in meaning across generations.” The most common rituals of importance to families were birthdays, holidays, Passover, funerals, and the “Sunday dinner.”

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