Start With Why.

In his best-selling book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families, Stephen R. Covey writes, “The family is the most important, fundamental organization in the world, the literal building block of society. No civilization has ever survived its breakup.” 


Most people agree. According to two recent Pew Research Center surveys, the overwhelming majority of Americans report that family provides the most meaning, fulfillment, and satisfaction in their lives. Covey and another best-selling author, Bruce Feiler, as well as countless coaches and therapists, have reported that the most successful families are purposeful—they know where they are going and how to get there.

But most families today aren’t purposeful; they are barely hanging on. They are stressed, tired, and rushed—pulled in countless directions, caught in a delicate balance of work, school, after-school activities, caretaking, and the list goes on. They are surviving, not thriving.

This is in part because today’s families lack the tools necessary to define a unique family purpose and achieve specific family goals. Existing resources are stale, static, and outdated. Books and audiobooks are not habit-changing. Live events and seminars are time-consuming and inconvenient. Personal coaches are expensive and inconsistent. And while businesses have countless elegant, simple, and effective e-resources to help them outline purpose and achieve goals, no holistic goal-setting solution exists to help families do the same.

This is where FamilyWorks comes in. Imagine an app that would act as a virtual life coach for your family. Simply log in, answer a few questions to create a customized family workplan, and receive research-backed resources and alerts to help you achieve your family’s goals in six key areas—finance, health, career, marriage, spirituality, and community.


You can discover your unique family purpose, simplify decision-making, collaborate with a community of like-minded families, and integrate related apps and resources. Create a roadmap of where your family wants to go, and the specific steps you will need to take to get there. Have your plan reviewed by one of our carefully vetted and trained personal coaches, and even use the “text-a-coach” feature for more personalized feedback. The app will alert you or another family member ahead of key deadlines, or when one of your behaviors isn’t lining up with the goals you had outlined. You can also access a resource library of invaluable, data-driven ideas to help you achieve family success, and a marketplace of providers supplying services that every intentional family needs

Interested? Sign up for our beta test group for notifications of product launch, and insider information and tips. And bookmark our blog for research-backed solutions for everyday family problems.

Goals are dreams with a deadline. Make your family’s dreams reality today.


Belonging and Mastery